08. – 14.10.2023: The international exchange and exhibition project [COMMON GROUND] is hosted by Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and the U!REKA Lab: Co-Creativity in Social Arts of the U!REKA European University Network. The event brings together international and interdisciplinary students, teachers and practitioners from the participating universities and beyond for an intensive exchange on common perspectives, practices and working realities at the nexus of arts and the social. Ideas and practices are shared in lectures, workshops, presentations, performances, and exhibitions to compare and explore common grounds and the potential of artistic and social work in urban contexts. More Info & Programme.

EVENTS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (free entrance):

11.10.23 19.00 [COMMON GROUND] Filmscreening: Gallus Zentrum, Kriftelerstr. 55

12.10.23 19.00 JURIDICUM Expo: OHa!: Offenes Haus der Kulturen, Studierendenhaus Campus Bockenheim, K4, Mertonstr. 26-28

13.10.2023 18.00 Exhibition Opening: ATELIERFRANKFURT, Schwedler Str. 1-5, Frankfurt UAS Gallery