Exhibition of the U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons at the Forum of Deutscher Werkbund Hessen, Weckmarkt 5, 60311 Frankfurt. 19.12.-24.12.2022
As part of the U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons students of the international network from Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Ghent, Helsinki, Lisbon, and Ostrava present their artistic-ethnographic and documentary research on urban commons initiatives in the cities, as well as project proposals to enhance urban co-creation and commoning. In addition, the results of an international network exchange meeting in Helsinki in spring 2022 will be presented, where students and teachers from the universities came together in Helsinki to work on local urban planning issues and social challenges.
The U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons is an initiative of the partner universities of the U!REKA network. At Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) the programme is directed by Angelika Plümmer. Petra Schwerdtner (Fb1) and Raul Gschrey, Jutta Stocksiefen (Fb4), who have curated the exhibition.