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Raul Gschrey
migration, installation, 2010.


Water flows through a pipe, which forms the word “migration” – water splashes and drips through many leaks. For the kinetic sculpture water from the Rhein is used, which eventually finds its way back to the river. Most migratory movements initially have a target, but the realities on the journey can often not be planned. The lives of migrants show detours, they are ventures of a very insecure nature, frequently leading to unexpected results.






Raul Gschrey (*1981) lives and works in and around Frankfurt/Main. He received his masters degree at Goethe University Frankfurt with his artistic-academic thesis „Contemporary Closed Circuits - Subversive Dialogues“. He gradually expands his focus on surveillance and control to the examination of borders, border control and migration. In his artistic and curatorial work he deals with socio-political topics and takes advantages of interdisciplinary approaches to contribute to the public discourse. www.gschrey.org


migration, installation, 2010.

Performance, video, 5’, 2010/11.

The nautical signal flag Oskar, signifying “man overboard”, is hoisted in a ceremonial way accompanied by music. The trumpet plays the European hymn. The performance can be understood as a call not to close one’s eyes to the many casualties during attempts to cross the borders to Europe. The performance was staged in Frankfurt/Main, the financial Centre of the EU, as well as in Bamako/Mali, one of the most important transit spaces for sub-Saharan migration to Europe. In Mali the performance was staged in cooperation with local arts and music students as part of an exhibition and conference on arts and migration.

Oskar/Mali, Performance, Video, 2011